8:15 |
Sarah just woke up and is resting comfortably in her bottom bunk bed. A few other girls in her bunk are also awake but everyone keeps quiet as girls are still sleeping. Sarah enjoys this time in bed and pulls out the recent emails she received from her family to read.
8:30 |
"Good Morning Camp Nageeeeeeela". It's great to hear the Head Counselor's cheerful voice every morning. The rest of Sarah's bunkmates now wake up and everyone alternates using the bathroom and sinks to get ready for another wonderful day in camp.
8:55 |
Morning line up! Sarah lines up with her bunk for flag raising gathering, then cheers for her bunk to be first in the Dining Room.
After, she and her friends head to the Dining Room for breakfast. Breakfast can consist of pankackes, waffles ,fresh bagels, scrambled eggs, fench toast, muffins, and of course cearel.
9:10 |
Sarah is sitting at the Freshies B table, enjoying her favorite cereal (cheerios) and today's hot item, pancakes!
9:45 |
Tefillah Groups. Although Sarah cannot read Hebrew, she loves Tefillah groups!! Sarah's group of 5 girls with similar Jewish backgrounds learn more about the concept of prayer and practice singing some traditional Jewish prayers.
10:20 |
Clean Up. Sarah goes back to her bunk to clean the cabin. Today it is Sarah's turn to sweep. With joint effort from the entire bunk, the bunkhouse becomes sparkly clean and campers are ready to start activities!
11:00 |
First Activity - Choose a Hobby! Today Sarah's Hobby begins with Zumba. Sarah and her Hobby group run to the hub. The music is so much fun and Sarah and her friends enjoy dancing to their favorite zumba songs
12:00 |
Second Activity. Today, this is basketball. The Sports Counselor quickly splits the girls into teams and a game begins. The cheering and teamwork is incredible!
1:00 |
Lunch. After a fun and busy morning, Sarah is thrilled to enter the air-conditioned Dining Room for lunch. Sarah is excited for the pasta and baked ziti that is the main dish today. Sarah also makes sure to visit the salad bar and makes her own delicious salad. Lunch is also a great time to sing some favorite camp songs and cheers.
2:00 |
Rest Hour. Sarah loves this part of the day. First, she goes to the canteen where she picks up a snack of her favorite ice cream. She then spends most of her rest hour relaxing in her bunk talking with her friends. For the last 10 minutes, Sarah joins a tetherball tournament just outside her bunkhouse.
3:00 |
Third Activity. SWIM! Sarah is thrilled to jump into the pool on this hot summer day!
3:50 |
Fourth Activity. Sarah quickly changes from her swim clothes and then continues to the Arts and Crafts tent for this activity.

Today, Sarah and her bunkmates each decorate a huge plastic letter (of their first name) and then melt it into a key chain pendant. So cool! Sarah can't wait to bring it home and use it on her backpack in school. Sara finishies her letter and shows it to all her smiling friends.
4:40 |
Snack. Sarah loves the fresh fruit and cookies that provide a little boost of energy until Supper.
5:00 |
Groups. At this point, groups of campers are paired with a staff member to have an inspirational discussion about Judaism. Today, Sarah's group is discussing the weekly Torah portion.
6:00 |
Workshops. This week, Sarah chose to participate in the Food Creations activity. Today, they are making sushi! Yum!!
6:50 |
Sarah and her bunk settle down and line up for flag lowering before supper
7:00 |
Supper. Yum! Tonight we are having chicken poppers on club bread with the signature Nageela Awesome Sauce! What fun!
8:30 |
Night Activity. Tonight is a Nageela classic- Let's Make a Deal! For this wacky activity, campers come prepared loaded with all sorts of random items- you never know just what the conditions of each round will be!! Sarah runs up to the stage as they call up anyone wearing 2 different color socks (Sarah is wearing a total of 5 socks for this activity) and participates in a wacky race. She wins an ice cream party for her bunk!
9:15 |
Night Club. Here, Sarah and her learning partner, Staff Member Rachel, use this opportunity to practice reading Hebrew. Sarah was familiar with the aleph-bet when she came to camp and is excited that she is now learning to read.
Sarah and Rachel plan to continue learning through the Nageela Torah Partners program throughout the year.

10:00 |
Lights Out. Another wonderful day in Camp Nageela has come to an end. Good night Sarah!