8:45 |
“Good Morning TeeNageela” It’s great to hear our Division Heads’ cheerful voices waking us up every morning. Rachel and her bunkmates wake up, refreshed after a good night of sleep. The girls alternate using the sinks and bathroom to get ready for another wonderful day in camp.
9:15 |
Breakfast time!!!! Rachel and her bunkmates make their way to the dining room for a delicious breakfast.
9:30 |
Rachel is sitting at the TC table, enjoying her favorite cereal (corn flakes) and today's hot item, pancakes! She’s listening to the Division Heads explain what today's exciting theme is.
9:45 |
Tefillah Groups. Although Rachel cannot read Hebrew, she loves Tefillah groups! Rachels group of 5 girls with similar Jewish backgrounds learn more about the concept of prayer and practice singing some traditional Jewish prayers.
10:20 |
Clean Up. Rachel goes back to her bunk to clean and tidy up the bunk. It is Rachel's turn to sweep today. With joint effort from the entire bunk, the bunkhouse has become sparkly clean and campers are ready for Tean Time!
10:40 |
Tean Time!!! All girls in TeeNageela join together for an exciting team building activity. Today’s activity is the human knot! Rachel’s team successfully unknots their hands without letting go! “Teamwork, do it together!”

11:00 |
First Activity. Zumba will be the bunks first activity. Rachel and her bunkmates run to the hub and warm up for an exciting activity. The music is so much fun and Rachel and her friends enjoy dancing to their favorite zumba songs.

12:00 |
Second Activity. Today, this is basketball. The Sports Counselor quickly splits the girls into teams and a game begins. The cheering, enthusiasm and teamwork is incredible! Go Team!!

1:00 |
Lunch. After a fun and busy morning, Rachel is thrilled to enter the air-conditioned Dining Room for lunch. Rachel is excited for the pasta and baked ziti that is the main dish today. Rachel also makes sure to visit the salad bar to make her own delicious salad. Lunch is also a great time to sing some favorite camp songs and cheers. Rachel and her bunk have a blast dancing to the TeeNageela song!
2:00 |
Rest Hour. Rachel loves this part of the day. She spends her time relaxing in her bunkhouse with friends and getting food from canteen.

3:00 |
Groups. Groups is a great time for groups of campers are paired with a staff member to have an inspirational discussion about Judaism. Today’s group begins with a short powerful video about the impact one’s choices can have on the world. Rachel and her group begin an animated and interesting discussion on the topic.
3:50 |
Now comes the best part of the TeeNageela daily schedule...MELEE! Melee is a daily exclusive, wacky, action-packed TeeNageela activity. Today’s melee is toe painting! Too bad the paint didn’t stay only on their toes! The activity ends with a bunch of very colorful teens ready for a shower!
4:40 |
Snack. Sarah loves the fresh fruit and cookies that provide a little boost of energy until Supper.
5:00 |
Hobbies time! Campers can choose from a large selection of hobbies including: iCare,Go Green, Music Video, Sports, and Masterchef. Rachel chooses to join the Music Video hobby. Today they go down to the lake for a video shoot.

6:00 |
Time for hobbies #2! Rachel joins the iCare hobby. Today the girls prepare a carnival for a camp for children with special needs. Rachel has a blast preparing with her friends, while helping those in need.

7:00 |
Supper. Yum! Tonight we are having chicken poppers on club bread with the signature Nageela Awesome Sauce!
8:00 |
Night Activity! Tonights exclusive TeeNageela night activity is a counselor hunt! All the teen counselors and staff are disguised and hidden throughout the campus. Rachel and her friends have 50 minutes to find all the hidden staff! They manage to find all of them besides for their counselor, who’s dressed up as the cleaning staff and sweeping the floors.

9:15 |
Night Club. Rachel loves this time of night! She gets to spend one-on-one time with her favorite staff member discussing the fun activities of the day and a topic of interest from our large Judaic library located right in the TeeNageela hallway.
10:00 |
Time for a special activity in the teen lounge! Tonight’s special is a fondue bar! Rachel enjoys eating her chocolate-covered marshmallows, pretzels, and fruit, while hanging out with her fellow teens.
11:00 |
After an exciting, long day, Rachel is ready to wind down and get ready for bed. Good night TeeNageela!!! Can’t wait for an exciting day tomorrow!